2011年1月22日 星期六


Wi-fi expert Barrie Trower will be hosting a meeting in Swindon on Friday to discuss the issue of wi-fi, and what he perceives are the dangers of the technology.

The meeting will be held at the Pilgrim Centre in Regent Circus on October 8. Doors open at 7pm and the talk starts at 7.30pm. There will be a question and answer session afterwards at this free event.
Ahead of the meeting, Barrie chatted to Swindon Advertiser columnist, Liz Brackenbury, about his take on the introduction of wi-fi in Swindon.
Liz: Hi Barrie, thank you for inviting me down to interview you. As you know I write a column for the Swindon Advertiser. I write about topics that concern me as a parent and on subjects which I feel passionate about, especially local issues. One of the subjects I wrote about in the paper was my concerns over the implementation of 1,400 mini masts in Swindon that will create an electro mesh over the town and the effects it might have on Swindon residents’ health. Firstly can you give me a bit of your background, as to what you’ve done?
Barrie: Yes of course. I trained in the1960s with all aspects of microwave technology and microwave warfare. I teach advanced physics as a profession, which again involves microwave knowledge. I am also the author of two TETRA (Terrestrial Trunk Radio) reports for the police federation and I am now invited all over the world to talk on this subject
Liz: Can you tell me what exactly is wi-fi? A lot of people don’t really understand what it is.
Barrie: Wi-fi is a computer system that works off microwaves. It transmits and receives microwaves, the information is carried in the microwaves
Liz: Why should we be concerned about that?
Barrie: Microwaves react with water. That includes water in the body. That’s how microwave ovens work, they react with water. They are not like radio waves. We are now using microwaves for a communication system, these microwaves will react with our water-based bodies
Liz: Surely microwaves have been around since the start of time? They are a natural occurrence. So what’s the problem?
Barrie: Yes that’s true we have evolved with microwaves, but we haven’t evolved with what is coming out of all the mobile phones and wi-fi transmitters. These are unnatural levels. Also the difference is that the planet’s natural microwave background is static. This is not a static field, it’s an osolating field. What microwave communication is using are pulsed microwaves. It’s not the microwave so much that’s the danger, but the fact that it is pulsed. These pulses interfere with our body’s natural rhythms, our brains, our hearts – everything.
Liz: You said your background is in microwave warfare, but what s that got to do with wi-fi?
Barrie: Microwaves have been used in warfare since the 1960’s. They are the perfect stealth weapon. You can’t see them, you can’t feel them, you can’t smell them, you can’t touch them. All you have to do is beam your victim with levels of pulsed microwaves to cause illness, either mental and physical, or both, depending on the frequency used. My job was to measure the level of microwave frequency used and see what illnesses were caused by it.
Liz: Surely you don’t mean that modern wi-fi technology is using the same levels of frequency as were used in warfare to make people ill?
Barrie: Yes, that’s absolutely what I’m saying. It’s exactly the same microwave frequency used in wi-fi technology that was used in warfare.
Me: Wi-fi seems to be everywhere, in cafes, on trains, in hotels, even in the motorway service station on the way down here. It has been promoted as a good thing. Everywhere seems to be offering free wi-fi? How can this be allowed if this technology has history that links it to human illnesses?
Barrie: Governments have known of the effect on the human body from microwaves since the 1970s. It’s been cited and published in thousands of research papers. The public is being sold a lie. The telecommunications industry is bigger than any government. It can pay another scientist to contradict an independent scientist’s findings, and publish research in their favour. This creates a state of confusion and contradiction. Most people don’t have the time to sift through all this information. Therefore misinformation is circulated. Wi-fi is promoted as a new technology, innovative and ground-breaking when nothing can be further from the truth. The ill-effects of this technology have been known for years.
Liz: What would you say to people who d say this was all scaremongering?
Barrie: I would say scaremongering is when you say something for effect without having the evidence to back it up. I have all the published, cited and documented proof to substantiate what I say. The evidence is here; I can prove and support what I say.
Liz: What would you say to the people of Swindon?
Barrie: What I’d like to say to Swindon is get me in front of your councillors and local MP s. Get me down to Swindon and invite the public and the press and media to be there to be there so they can hear what I’ve got to say. . Invite people from the oncology department, cancer specialists, headteachers, governors, principals, members of the public. Get me down to Swindon and I will prove why...


How military used EMF over 40 years ago (from  http://www.alternative-magnetic-therapy.com/emf-military.html )

The American military developed electromagnetic weapons long before mobile phones existed.
The ability of certain bands of electromagnetic field to cause health effects, including neurological and behavioral disturbances, has been part of US military and CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) for over 30 years.
In fact, security concern was what first prompted US to study the health effects of low-intensity (or non-thermal) microwaves. Up to 70-80% of the research was funded by military.


Project Pandora

For example, from 1965 to 1970, a study dubbed "Project Pandora" was undertaken to determine the health and psychological effects of low intensity microwaves, the so-called "Moscow signal" registered at American Embassy in Moscow.
A 1987 issue of Soviet Military Power, a Cold War Pentagon publication, warned that the Soviets might be close to "a prototype short-range tactical RF (radio frequency) weapon".
The Washington Post reported the same year that Soviets had used such electromagnetic weapon to kill goats at 1 kilometer's range. The Pentagon has been pursuing similar devices since the 1960s. Source: "Wonder Weapons" by Douglas Pasternak, US News & World Report, 7 July 1997.
Dr Milton Zaret, who undertook to analyze Soviet literature on microwaves for CIA, wrote: "For non-thermal irradiations, they believe that electromagnetic field induced by microwave environment affects cell membrane. And this results in an increase of excitability or an increase in the level of excitation of nerve cells. With repeated or continued exposure, the increased excitability leads to a state of exhaustion of the cerebral cortex cells."


The truth was however not made public

Instead Intelligence documents were censored to hide the fact that Western governments have long been aware of the deadly danger of microwaves.
According to Dr Louis Slesin, editor of the American specialist journal, Microwave News, US army scientists had succeeded in duplicating Soviet experiments by 1977. This was many years before mobile phones become generally available.
But mobile phone users worldwide have been repeatedly told by industry and Government-funded bodies that there is "no scientific evidence" that mobile phones cause harmful effects.
Dr Allan Frey, who carried out some of the earliest American research, believes there is "significant evidence" against mobile phones. His own papers reveal that US Defense Department withdrew funding after 3 studies had confirmed these effects.
["Soviet Proof That Mobile Phones Do Cause Brain Damage" by Kathy Moran, Daily Express (United Kingdom), 10 November 1999]


But Dangers Still Downplayed

US legal stand on consumer issues serves as a safety reference for many countries. In spite of long established evidence, the US has refused to conclusively acknowledge the truth about electromagnetic field radiation dangers from products.
It has instead adopted contradictory and confusing stands that play down the problem's significance. For example,


In 1990

An Environmental Protection Agency draft report recommended that electromagnetic field be considered a Class B carcinogen. This included formaldehyde, DDT, dioxins, and PCBs. However, due to pressure from utility, military and computer lobbyists, the EPA's final revision did not classify electromagnetic field as a Class B carcinogen.
In the final watered-down version of the report, reference to Class B was deleted, with an explanation that said the basic interaction between electro magnetic fields and biological interactions leading to cancer are "not understood".
Yet, in the same report, they suggest there is a causal link between leukemia, lymphoma and cancer in children with exposure to magnetic fields from residential 60-Hz distribution systems!


In 1998

The majority scientists form a working group of experts gathered by a Government initiated program, the EMF-RAPID (Research and Public Information Dissemination) program.
They voted that epidemiology studies of childhood leukemia provide enough evidence to classify electromagnetic field as a "possible human carcinogen". They released a final report containing this verdict to US Congress in 1999.
The final published report however, states that, "the NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) believes there is weak evidence for possible health effects from (power frequency) ELF-EMF exposures..."


Listen to the Russians

Russian scientists have done more studies on electromagnetic field than any other country. For decades, they have been reporting that electric fields cause
  • high blood pressure
  • chronic stress effects
  • immune system dysfunction
  • changes in white and red blood cell counts
  • increased metabolism
  • chronic fatigue disorders
  • and headaches
In fact, there is a disease thoroughly described in Russian and Eastern European medical literature called radio wave sickness. Its existence was usually denied by western authorities (Arthur Firstenberg in the article, "Killing Fields", The Ecologist, June 2004). Bradycardia or a slow heart rate was said in these texts to be a grave sign.
Western European scientists who advise governments on the safety of electromagnetic field emitting devices however, have vested interest. Thus, they have an industry-slanted view of what constitutes a health risk. In UK for example, they tend to come from nuclear and microwave industries.
As a result, finding after finding does not resolve public concern. In US, for example, a large number of research papers and overview reports have been produced along with numerous conferences over the past 17 years. Unfortunately, the findings remain controversial and contradictory.

Barrie Trower Cell Phone Tower Radiation Dangers Deception Part 1 專研微波物理學家說,我們現在周圍所用的wi-fi,發射的微波頻率與冷戰時代研發的武器一模一樣

Barrie Trower Cell Phone Tower Radiation Dangers Deception Part 2 專研微波物理學家說,我們現在周圍所用的wi-fi,發射的微波頻率與冷戰時代研發的武器一模一樣

Barrie Trower Cell Phone Tower Radiation Dangers Deception Part 3 專研微波物理學家說,我們現在周圍所用的wi-fi,發射的微波頻率與冷戰時代研發的武器一模一樣

Barrie Trower Cell Phone Tower Radiation Dangers Deception Part 4專研微波物理學家說,我們現在周圍所用的wi-fi,發射的微波頻率與冷戰時代研發的武器一模一樣

Barrie Trower Cell Phone Tower Radiation Dangers Deception Part 5 專研微波物理學家說,我們現在周圍所用的wi-fi,發射的微波頻率與冷戰時代研發的武器一模一樣



Cell phone use by children is being warned against all around the globe

Cell phone use by children is being warned against all around the globe.
English leaders have warned that children should only use cell phones in emergencies.
The French government has warned its citizens to reduce children's telephone calls to no more than six minutes.
In Japan, it is now illegal to use a cell phone on a train, due to concerns of second hand radiation.
Germany, Belgium, Israel, and India are also advising children limit their use of cell phones.

既然大部分人也被騙以為電信微波沒害,為什麼要立法強制掩藏手電發射站呢 Cell Phone Towers In Disguise (CBS News)

Skull Penetration of Cell Phone Radiation in Children

Killing Us

Wifi is a bad bad thing for your health

Cellphone Danger Risks Exposed

Killers Exposed Pt2

Killers Exposed Pt1

手提電話早發射站毒害人體的證據 Cell Tower Dangers Fact or Fiction?!! Dr. Jack Walker

Dr. Charlie Teo - part 1:2 - "explosion" in brain tumours and the truth ...

Dr. Charlie Teo - part 2:2 - "explosion" in brain tumours and the truth ...

many sites with proof on the danger of wi-fi , mobile phones









Electro-sensitivity: A world first in France with scientific proof from comparative encephaloscans

Electro-sensitivity: A world first in France with scientific proof from comparative encephaloscans

Posted by inthesenewtimes on August 31, 2010
To make it simple: we are all born EHS, as the human organism is entirely bio-electromagnetic, since all the exchanges between our cells function thanks to electromagnetism. We lose this condition when we die and the exchanges cease, and our electroencephalogram goes flat. The problem is that most people are completely ignorant of this truth. In other words the condition of being electrosensitive is innate, and the degree of it varies with different people and in different environments.
EHS: A world first in France with scientific proof from comparative encephaloscans
The EHS have a right to live, but in France and in most other countries, due to the pressure from the industry lobbies, they have no recognition and they are not accorded this inalienable right. Their need to survive leaves them no choice, so it is quite legitimate for them to take their future in hand.

Ignorance of the basic facts of electromagnetism is carefully fostered by the lobbies. It is natural electromagnetic energy that is the basis of creationist theories on the origin of life on earth, a theory that is a parallel to the Darwinian theory of evolution.
To make it simple: we are all born EHS, as the human organism is entirely bio-electromagnetic, since all the exchanges between our cells function thanks to electromagnetism. We lose this condition when we die and the exchanges cease, and our electroencephalogram goes flat. The problem is that most people are completely ignorant of this truth. In other words the condition of being electrosensitive is innate, and the degree of it varies with different people and in different environments.
The main factor that aggravates this condition is the new artificial electromagnetic pollution that has never existed on earth until now, the worst being that of radiation in the HF microwave spectrum from mobile phone communications (similar to those concentrated in microwave ovens).
As for the shorter wavelengths of these artificial electromagnetic frequencies, this pollution is concentrated in nuclear reactors – it is exactly the same but on a different scale, and who knows this? In fact the shorter the wavelength, the more energy is discharged, which is why there are so-called safety areas (in fact danger zones) around phone masts and mobile phones.
Where the shorter wavelengths (eg. GHz) are in use, as in the Hertzian Repeaters relaying mobile signals, there is a strict ban on parking within the radiation beam, whatever the distance from the source, even kilometers away, since the radiation is lethal in a very short space of time.
The interaction of artificial EMFs with the bioelectromagnetic human metabolism provokes pathologies that are described in The Microwave Syndrome [Dr C. Monnet and Prof. le Ruz, with video].
In the scientific literature it is Dr Richard Gauthier who has detailed [scientific dossier] the mechanisms of the interactions in the proteins of the cellular membrane when they are exposed to artificial EMFs from HF microwaves, which trigger a chain reaction affecting calcium levels, activation of enzymes and the creation of stress proteins.
It is the enzymes that trigger the chain reaction, then, if the signal persists, the stress proteins block various processes within the cell, affecting for example the messengers between the brain cells called neuromediators, which consequently alter the activity of the brain.
Scientific world first in the Forêt de Saoû: comparative encephaloscans
Why choose the Forêt de Saoû? Nowadays in France there are very few White Zones with no or very little artificial EM radiation (such as the EHS Refuge Zones). Such places can of course only exist in the wild, where there are no inhabitants or any of the usual practical resources, thus the EHS have very little choice of places to live.
It is a world first which demanded a great deal of courage from Philippe, an EHS who acted as guinea pig and lived there on his own for several months during the particularly harsh winter of 2009-10. His only contact was with the forest wardens present during the day.
The Forêt de Saoû is a listed natural zone without inhabitants, so it is a place where the EHS can live.
This unspoilt area is the site of an experiment which has been ongoing not just for a few weeks, as
one might think from the current media interest in what is happening there, but since January 2010.
The presence of Philippe, “the hermit guinea pig”, in his camper van in the forest did not go unnoticed. His medical condition was tracked by the Association de Recherche Thérapeutique Anti-Cancéreuse (ARTAC), which is an independent group of doctors and researchers based in Paris, who specialize in the biological, therapeutic and clinical study of cancer. This research includes the EHS, and a group headed by Prof Dominique Belpomme is studying their condition with a considerable number of EHS.
An update on their work, État des lieux des recherches de l’ARTAC sur les EMS et l’EHS [Fr], was published on 18 December 2009.
Philippe underwent various medical examinations before his stay in the forest, including an encephaloscan at the Centre d’Exploration de la Fonction Cérébrale run by Dr Ph Lebar in Paris.
This scan gives an image of the arterial irrigation of the two hemispheres of the brain. The results are analysed by comparison with standard variations. In the columns in the diagram, the zones with adequate circulation are indicated in red and orange, and the zones that are not getting enough are marked in yellow and blue.
An encephaloscan is currently the best diagnostic marker of symptoms in the brain of people who
are EHS.
It provides scientific proof of the EHS condition.
Diagram 1
Diagram 1 represents the encephaloscan of Philippe EHS before his arrival in the Forêt de Saoû.
It is clear that after living for several years in an average town and being exposed to its artificial
electromagnetic microwave pollution, he is in a weakened state. In this first diagram the
circulation levels in several areas of both hemispheres are seen to be seriously affected.
Diagram 2
Diagram 2 represents the encephaloscan of Philippe EHS after living 3 months in the Forêt de
Saoû (an area with very low artificial EM radiation). A spectacular improvement can be seen in
the circulation in the 2 hemispheres of the brain. Visible physical consequence: Philippe was no
longer in a weakened state.
(Extract of the results: the 5th section corresponds to the capsulo-thalamic region of the right
hemisphere, which has gone from an abnormally low rate of circulation to a correct level.)
This scientific experiment provides proof that ought to open the eyes of the health authorities to the urgent need to legislate immediately on a drastic reduction of permitted levels of EM radiation, and on the creation of Refuge Zones for the EHS in every region of every country, along with mapping the Hertzian radiation in every community so that residents can know the level of radiation in each neighbourhood,
In addition, all the electronic information panels posted in urban areas should include along with the date and the temperature, a meter that displays the level of ambient radiation, since this information is crucial for older people, pregnant women and all those in a weakened state of health, or actually ill, who are in the area.
Meanwhile the rare places still untouched by artificial electromagnetic pollution are more than precious, and are the only places where the EHS can go to improve their state of health. In fact for those who have to live as recluses, often in very poor health, they are the only places where they can still survive.
Make a gesture for public health, do what the health authorities should be doing and distribute this document.

In the West, media control on harmful impact of mobile phone towers has been simply awesome, keeping this connection out of popular consciousness, and dealing with the question

India to study impact of mobile towers on birds, bees

Posted by inthesenewtimes on September 1, 2010
This is the emerging multipolar reality coming into play. In the West, media control has been simply awesome, keeping this connection out of popular consciousness, and  dealing with the question, if at all, in the infantile manner which has become their hallmark. However, we no longer control India which is now moving to deal with an issue which threatens their food supplies.
For more background see:
ITNT Archive: Disappearing Bees
Thaindian News
1st September, 2010
New Delhi, Sep 1 (IANS) India will study the harmful impact of mobile phone towers on birds and bees, with the environment ministry constituting a committee that is also tasked with formulating guidelines on their installation.

The 10-member committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) director Asad Rahmani and it will submit its report in six months. The committee will suggest measures to address the problem.
“The expert group will access the level of possible impact of growth of mobile towers in urban, sub-urban and forest areas on the population of birds and bees,” a statement from the ministry said.
The expert group will review all studies in India and abroad on the ill effects of mobile towers in animal, birds and insects.
“The team will also formulate guidelines for regulating the large scale installation of mobile towers in the country,” the statement said.
A recent study by scientists from Punjab University revealed that radiation from mobile towers affect the population and breeding of bees.

If cell phones are behind the bee decline, what are they doing to humans?

If cell phones are behind the bee decline, what are they doing to humans?

Posted by inthesenewtimes on September 6, 2010
The Atlantic
30th June, 2010
See also:
ITNT Archive: Disappearing Bees
For years, scientists have been trying to explain why the bee population has been drastically declining. A new study may hold the answer, CNN reports, and it could have an impact on humans, too. First, the study:
In a study at Panjab University in Chandigarh, northern India, researchers fitted cell phones to a hive and powered them up for two fifteen-minute periods each day.
After three months, they found the bees stopped producing honey, egg production by the queen bee halved, and the size of the hive dramatically reduced.
Andrew Goldsworthy, a biologist from Imperial College, London, told CNN that the reason may have to do with radiation from cell phones and cell towers disturbing the molecules of the chemical cryptochrome, which bees and other animals use for navigation. The “other animals” part there is key: it includes humans.

Cryptochrome apparently also plays a role in controlling circadian rhythms. If cell phone and tower radiation disturbs cryptochrome molecules, it could have serious consequences for our circadian rhythms, Goldsworthy wrote in a briefing for an independent, British radiation research group last year. Circadian rhythms follow a roughly 24-hour cycle and play a key role in physically, mentally and behaviorally regulating our bodies. Mess with your circadian rhythms and you screw with, among other things, your ability to be well-rested and the associated health benefits. Goldsworthy argues that the link between phone radiation and cryptochrome could then explain the sometimes-found link between cell phones and cancer:
[A]ny weakening of the amplitude of these rhythms means that at no time will any process controlled by them ever function at maximum power. In particular, the immune system may never be able to summon up the overwhelming power that is sometimes needed to overcome pathogens or to destroy developing cancer cells before they get out of control.
Of course, the ostensible link between cell phones and cancer is itself up for debate, but if the evidence starts supporting that connection, then cryptochrome might be at the heart of it all.


Wi-Fi: a warning signal 
英國現在受到一場 Wi-Fi 革命的吸引,辦公室、居家、與教室都無線網路
化 -- 不過對於這種科技的顧慮,認為它會帶來健康上的風險。
政府堅持 Wi-Fi 很安全,不過在 Panorama(BBC 的節目)的一次調查中卻
這裡並沒有 Wi-Fi 設備對於健康影響的研究,不過在行動電話與其天線桿
卻有數千篇。Wi-Fi 的輻射發散類似行動電話的天線桿。這是走向無線必然
過去 18 個月,在英國有另外 200 萬人開始使用 Wi-Fi。整座城市變成所

在 2000 年,William Stewart 爵士,現在是 Health Protection Agency
在同一年,政府賣出的 3G 執照獲利達 225 億英鎊。
William 爵士回想道:"我們建議,因為我們對於兒童比較敏感... 天線桿
但是 Wi-Fi 呢?這項技術與行動電話天線桿類似,而且用在 70% 的中學與
 50% 的小學當中。
Panorama 參觀 Norwich 一間學校,那裡有超過 1000 位學童,比較來自於
一般行動電話天線桿與教室中 Wi-Fi 的輻射等級。
由程式取得的讀數顯示,在教室當中所使用的 Wi-Fi 訊號強度比來自於行
動電話天線桿的要高出 3 倍。

這讀數遠低於政府的安全底線 -- 約有 600 倍之多 -- 不過某些科學家質
Panorama 訪談一些質疑安全底線的科學家,並擔憂在這樣的輻射之下對健
瑞典 Karolinska 研究所的 Olle Johansson 教授表示。
另一位科學家,來自於 Salzburg 的 Gerd Oberfeld 博士正呼籲 Wi-Fi 應
他說:"如果你深入資料當中,你可以看見相當相當清晰的圖像 -- 它就像
是個拼圖,每樣東西都會湊在一起,從 DNA 斷裂到動物研究,並升高到流
來自於 William Stewart 爵士對於政府的明確忠告指出,行動電話天線的
然而,在教室當中測得的 Wi-Fi 等級要來得更高 -- 比天線桿要高出三倍

Panorama 隨機選了 50 所學校 -- 並發現政府對於任何可能的健康影響,
Philip Parkin,教師專業協會的總秘書表示:"我認為學校與家長應該會對
"我正要求學校嚴肅考慮,他們現在是否應安裝 Wi-Fi 網路,這應當會讓他
"那有點像克努特大帝(King Canute,1016 年統一丹麥與英格蘭)。我們

在華盛頓州立大學,Henry Lai 教授,在爭議兩方都受到敬重的生物學家表
示,他已經在類似程度的 Wi-Fi 輻射中發現對於健康的影響。
他估計,在過去三十年中所完成的二到三千項研究成果,成五五波 -- 一半
但 Health Protection Agency 已經說 Wi-Fi 裝置的功率很低 -- 比行動
政府表示這裡沒有任何風險,並受到 WHO 支持;其表達方式十分強健:"低
WHO 那邊負責回應的科學家是 Mike Repacholi 博士,他率領這個健康組織
他也是 International Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP,國際非游離輻射防護委員會) 的創辦人。
他表示 "沒有負面健康影響" 是基於證據的衡量。
"那稱之為證據衡量法 -- 而且證據的權重在這裡不是有影響,就是不會有
影響,這是你能夠分辨,這裡是否真的有負面健康影響的唯一方法," 他說

Wi-Fi: a warning signal, Panorama, Monday, 8.30pm, BBC1.


来自美国林业局北部研究站的树木生理学家Kevin T. Smit表示,关于不知名因素导致植物健康损坏的话题比现有的城市树木工作,如土壤的压实研究等更加引人关注,Wi-Fi的辐射量相当之低,并且很难被测量到,目前并没有直接证据表明其对树木造成了严重的损害。
而早先的这些报道都开始于荷兰西部一个约有70,000户居民,叫做Alphen aan den Rijn的城市。该市绿色环境项目的负责人Niek Vant Wout,5年前就观察到该市36,000棵树中大多数都出现了树皮球状突起现象,这些突起通常是树木受到损伤或者应力压迫的标志。为此,Vant Wout先生于2007年对当地的树木作了一个详细调查,发现其中11%的树木都存在不同程度的突起现象。而今年,这一数字上升到了30%。而从总体上来看,该市70%以上的树木都表现出了一些异常,如节点增多,树皮退化等。
惊悉这些现象对该市绿色环境的潜在影响以及后续治愈或更换工作需要花费巨额钱款,Vant Wout先生在市政基金的帮助下,招募科学家们研究无线信号可能对这些树木产生的损害。
荷兰瓦赫宁根大学的植物细胞生物学副教授AndréVan Lammeren为此设计了一个称作“基本实验”的方案。他在两个小柜中分别放置了25棵小白蜡树,并在其中一个小柜中放置了6个无线接入点,就是类似于家用路由器的装置。三个月后,那些最接近路由器的树木表现出了明显的树叶损伤,但损害具体有多大,Van Lammeren博士没有说清楚,因为他的研究团队并没有精确地测量到损伤程度。
未能精确测量仅仅是Van Lammeren博士自己对小箱实验不足之处的描述之一。理想的情况下,如果将每棵树都放置在不同的箱子中,那么它们在箱子中位置的变化就不会影响到整个实验的结果。另外,那些树叶出现损伤的树木可能并不都是因为电磁辐射的原因造成。毕竟三个月在树木的生命期中只是一段很短的时间。并且如何将这小箱子中的实验与开放环境中的树木相互推导也存在不确定性。
Van Lammeren博士强调,对于该实验的任何结论都需要小心细致地推敲,而事实上,目前他们并未得出任何准确的结论。他甚至提到,希望这项研究从未被公开。而当他的这一研究成果通过荷兰媒体向外发表时,他所在的大学也提醒他不要如此草率地作出结论。
其它部分研究人员也对调查结果持怀疑态度。来自美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的森林生态学家David Mladenoff表示,任何一项高剂量的实验,都会对树木造成影响,但凭Van Lammeren博士的这一实验就把城市树木的损伤归结于Wi-Fi技术显然还有待商榷。
当然,这也并不意味着无线信号就不会损害树木。几位研究人员都表示,他们已经发现了这种影响,尽管他们的诸多研究还没有经过同行的审查。Alphen aan den Rijn市也拟在明年2月份召开该专题研讨会。
护林人员指出,有迹象表明,美国市区的树木也正在消失,虽然这可能是由于开垦、新的疾病或者其它原因。下月即将公布的一份美国林业局报告显示,在课题所研究的20个美国城市中,其中19个城市2005年至2009年间树木覆盖率明显减少。护林官David Nowak说:“我们都知道一切正在变化之中,但没有人知道确切的原因。”
(来源:中国经济网  译自:2010年12月11日美国华尔街日报)

2011年1月20日 星期四


台灣環境保護聯盟 新聞稿



2006年1月,加拿大Lakehead University校園禁用無線上網,2006年11月,英國也有包括Prebendal School(在Chichester, West Sussex),Ysgol Pantycelyn school(在Carmarthenshire)及Stowe School(在Buckinghamshire的公立學校)等,應家長要求,認為小孩及青少年之腦殼較薄,發育未完全,易被電磁波傷害,要求校園拆除無線上網。

二、 無線上網(WiFi)危險說明:




三、 室內電磁波安全標準

德國IBE(International institute of Building Blau and Ecology) & LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability)對健康住宅的新定義,已經將電磁波污染(Electromagnetic Pollution)列入新的規範。德國的Building Biology Guidelines所規範的室內環境或睡眠環境的安全值為低於5μW/㎡;低頻電磁波為1mG。經查閱台灣對高頻電磁波的規範是依據ICNIRP所訂定的戶外暴露標準值:1.8GHz是9 W/㎡ ,低頻電磁波為833mG。 9 W/㎡較5μW/㎡,高出近200萬倍。又根據奧地利Salzburg county所訂室外標準為10μW/㎡,室內標準為1μW/㎡。故依據德國健康住宅或Salzburg county規範,長久停留之住宅、校園、醫院,室內高頻電磁波安全值應低於5μW/㎡。

四、 國小、國中及高中應停止建構無線上網,教育部應重新評估大專以上裝置之危險性,不鼓勵、補助。


五、 自救須知:














受電磁輻射作用的人,常發生血液動力學失調,血管通透性和張力降低.由於植物神經調節功能受到影響,人們多以心動過緩症狀出現,少數呈現心動過速.受害者出現血壓波動,開始升高,後又回復至正常,最後出現血壓偏低;心電圖出現R T 波的電壓下降,這是迷走神經的過敏反應,也是心肌營養障礙的結果;P?Q間的延長,P波加寬,說明房室傳導不良.此外,長期受電磁輻射作用的人,其心血管系統的疾病,會更早更易促使其發生和發展.











from http://www.wretch.cc/blog/tepu/6521025

多份被打壓,關於手電 , wi-fi 的危險的科學文獻 來源網站


多份被打壓,關於手電 , wi-fi 的危險的科學文獻 12

Oberfeld Gerd, Navarro A. Enrique, Portoles Manuel, Maestu Ceferino, Gomez-Perretta Claudio (August 2004). "The Microwave Syndrome - Further aspects of a Spanish Study". Conference Proceedings -


Researchers from Valencia University in Spain, investigated people's health in a small town near Murcia, where two mobile phone masts had been erected in the past 7 years. The results of the investigations have been plotted against levels of radiation in their homes from the masts, to see if there is any link between the radiation levels and health problems.

Layman's Summary

Many symptoms of 'microwave sickness' increased considerably with exposure to microwave radiation, in particular Depression, Fatigue, Concentration Loss, Appetite Loss and Heart and Blood Pressure Problems. These occurred at radiation levels found around most masts.

Key Information

  • Depression increased by up to 64-fold.
  • Fatigue increased by up to 37-fold.
  • Appetite Loss increased by up to 25-fold.

Report Detail

Author/s: Oberfeld Gerd, Navarro A. Enrique et al
Title: The Microwave Syndrome - Further Aspects of a Spanish Study
Publication Date: Not yet published - expected October 2004
Full Report: Click Here

Detailed Analysis

The Microwave Syndrome: Further Aspects of a Spanish study - Oberfeld, Navarro, Portoles, Maestu & Gomez-Perretta, 2004 (to be published).
Questionnaires were distributed; 144 were completed and returned for analysis. 97 homes were measured and the residential microwave exposure was split into 3 groups according to the levels measured in the bedroom:
  • 0.02 - 0.04 V/m
  • 0.05 - 0.22 V/m
  • 0.25 - 1.29 V/m
The results, when adjusted for sex, age & distance showed statistically significant dose-response associations between the measured exposure level and:-
Depressive tendency, fatigue, loss of appetite, difficulty in concentration, cardiovascular problems, nausea, feeling of discomfort, sleeping disorder, irritability, dizziness, skin disorder, loss of memory & headaches.
13 out of the 16 symptoms examined, showed a significantly increased risk when the high exposure group was compared with the low exposure group. Of even more concern is that 10 out of the 16 showed a significantly increased risk when the high exposure group was compared with the intermediate exposure group.
The questionnaires were distributed & collected in October-November 2000, 1 year or more from when the 2 base stations began operating. Measurements in the 97 bedrooms were taken in February-March 2001, and six of these were randomly selected for re-measurement in July 2004, to validate the 2001 measurements.
29% of the participants used a mobile phone for more than 20 minutes a day. 43% reported living closer than 100 metres to a high voltage power line. We, at Powerwatch, feel that mobile phone use at this level may at least in part contribute towards the reports of concentration & memory problems, and proximity to power lines may increase the reports of depressive tendencies (see Perry references at the end).
The authors suggest that power frequency measurements could usefully be made in future studies to reduce the possibility of misclassification.
The authors recommend a maximum level of exposure of 0.02 V/m (0.0001 mW/cm2), the precautionary indoor exposure value for GSM base stations proposed on empirical evidence by the Public Health Office of the Government of Salzburg in 2002.
Navarro et al. (2003) - The microwave syndrome: a preliminary study in Spain, Electromagnetic Biology & Medicine 22 (2) 161-169
Perry, Pearl & Binns (1989) - Power frequency magnetic field: depressive illness & myocardial infarction, Public Health 103, 177-180
Perry & Pearl (1988) - Power frequency magnetic field & illness in multi-storey blocks, Public Health 102, 11-18

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Horst Eger, Klaus Uwe Hagen, Birgitt Lucas, Peter Vogel, Helmut Voit (April 2004). "The Influence of Being Physically Near to a Cell Phone Transmission Mast on the Incidence of Cancer". Umwelt Medizin Gesellschaft 17 - [View Summary and Download Report]


A study encouraged by the German Federal Agency for Radiation Protection by Eger, Hagen, Lucas, Vogel and Voit, examined whether people living within 400 metres of a mobile phone mast were more at risk of developing cancer than those who lived further away.
Case histories of 1,000 patients between 1994 and 2004 were evaluated for the study.

What did they find?

Newly diagnosed cancers were significantly higher among those who had lived for 10 years within 400 metres of the mast, in operation since 1993, compared with those living further away, and the patients had fallen ill on average 8 years earlier.

The conclusion?

People living within 400 metres of the mast in Naila had three times the risk of developing cancer than those living further away. This semms to be an undeniable clustering of cancer cases.

Powerwatch call for government action

The project in Germany is to continue in the form of a register. Powerwatch has been calling for a British register for some years. It would be useful in determining whether residents' experience of increasing cancer rates around mobile phone masts could be quantified and confirmed, or whether, as the 'experts' assure us, such clusters are purely coincidental. Perhaps it is time the government put its money where its mouth is.

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Wolf R, Wolf D (April 2004). "Increased incidence of cancer near a cell-phone transmitter station". International Journal of Cancer Prevention Vol1, No2

download : http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/news/20050207_israel.pdf

多份被打壓,關於手電 , wi-fi 的危險的科學文獻 9

Balmori Alfonso (2005). "Possible Effects of Electromagnetic Fields from Phone Masts on a Population of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)". Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 24: 109-119

It appears that adverse health effects near phone masts are not just restricted to humans. A study carried out in Valladolid (Spain) in the last two years on nesting storks found some alarming effects on those with nests near to (less than 200m) the phone mast(s). Not only were reproduction levels far lower, but also behaviour was both less co-ordinated and more aggressive.

Summary of results:

Total productivity (number of young per couple, including nests with 0 chicks) for nests within 200m of the antenna was 0.86 (0.7 - 1.02), whereas productivity for nests further than 300m away was 1.6 (1.46 - 1.74). Both were statistically significant, with a p value of 0.001.
A large part of the difference here appears to be due to the likelihood of the couples in the nests near the mast not having any chicks: 40% of those within 200m had no chicks, whereas in the nests greater than 300m away only 3.3% did not have chicks!
Odd behaviour was also noted in the storks, happening much more frequently the closer the nests were to the masts. The behaviour includes:
  • The couple frequently fight over the sticks.
  • The sticks fall to the ground when trying to build the nest.
  • The couple don't advance the construction of the nest.
  • The most affected nests never get built.
  • Frequent death of young chicks in their early stages.
  • The storks sit passively in front of the phone masts (and don't do anything at all).
Powerwatch CommentsContrary to a popular industry and WHO point of view regarding humans at least, these effects are not going to be psychosomatic (tongue-in-cheek report on this issue from the respected scientist Grahame Blackwell can be found here). These are clear effects that are both statistically significant, replicated (in other reports sited in the study text), and clearly unhealthy. This study may not involve human subjects, but the obvious point still remains: We simply do not understand the subtle biological effects mobile phone base stations are having on living organisms.
Original study in full - Study in full

多份被打壓,關於手電 , wi-fi 的危險的科學文獻 8

Santini R, Santini P, Danze JM, Le Ruz P, Seigne M (September 2003). "Symptoms experienced by people in vicinity of base stations: II/ Incidences of age, duration of exposure, location of subjects in relation to the antennas and other electromagnetic factors". Pathol Biol (Paris). 51(7):412-5

[Symptoms experienced by people in vicinity of base stations: II/ Incidences of age, duration of exposure, location of subjects in relation to the antennas and other electromagnetic factors].

[Article in French]
Institut national des sciences appliquées, laboratoire de biochimie-pharmacologie, bâtiment Louis-Pasteur, 69621 cedex, Villeurbanne, France. rsantini@insa-lyon.fr


This is the 2nd part of a survey study conducted on 530 people (270 men, 260 women) living or not in vicinity of cellular phone base stations. Comparison of complaints frequencies for 16 Non Specific Health Symptoms was done with the CHI-Square test with Yates correction. Our results show significant increase (p < 0.05) in relation with age of subjects (elder subjects are more sensitive) and also, that the facing location is the worst position for some symptoms studied, especially for distances till 100 m from base stations. No significant difference is observed in the frequency of symptoms related to the duration of exposure (from < 1 year to > 5 years), excepted for irritability significantly increased after > 5 years. Other electromagnetic factors (electrical transformers, radio-television transmitters,...) have effects on the frequency of some symptoms reported by the subjects.

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 Santini R, Santini P, Danze JM, Le Ruz P, Seigne M (July 2002). "Investigation on the health of people living near mobile telephone relay stations: I/Incidence according to distance and sex". Pathol Biol (Paris). 50(6):369-73 - [View Abstract]


A survey study using questionnaire was conducted in 530 people (270 men, 260 women) living or not in vicinity of cellular phone base stations, on 18 Non Specific Health Symptoms. Comparisons of complaints frequencies (CHI-SQUARE test with Yates correction) in relation with distance from base station and sex, show significant (p < 0.05) increase as compared to people living > 300 m or not exposed to base station, till 300 m for tiredness, 200 m for headache, sleep disturbance, discomfort, etc. 100 m for irritability, depression, loss of memory, dizziness, libido decrease, etc. Women significantly more often than men (p < 0.05) complained of headache, nausea, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, depression, discomfort and visual perturbations. This first study on symptoms experienced by people living in vicinity of base stations shows that, in view of radioprotection, minimal distance of people from cellular phone base stations should not be < 300 m.
PMID: 12168254 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards From Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods". EU Programme, "Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources" - [View Foreword and Download Report]

Twelve institutes in seven countries have found genotoxic effects and modified expressions on numerous genes and proteins after Radio frequency and extremely low frequency EMF exposure at low levels, below current international safety guidance, to living cells in-vitro. These results confirm the likelihood of long-term genetic damage in the blood and brains of users of mobile phones and other sources of electromagnetic fields. The idea behind the REFLEX study was to attempt replicate damage already reported to see if the effects were real and whether, or not, more money should be spent of research into the possible adverse health effects of EMF exposure. They concluded that in-vitro damage is real and that it is important to carry out much more research, especially monitoring the long-term health of people.

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Yurekli AI, Ozkan M, Kalkan T, Saybasili H, Tuncel H, Atukeren P, Gumustas K, Seker S (2006). "GSM base station electromagnetic radiation and oxidative stress in rats". Electromagn Biol Med. ;25(3):177-88 -


The ever increasing use of cellular phones and the increasing number of associated base stations are becoming a widespread source of nonionizing electromagnetic radiation. Some biological effects are likely to occur even at low-level EM fields. In this study, a gigahertz transverse electromagnetic (GTEM) cell was used as an exposure environment for plane wave conditions of far-field free space EM field propagation at the GSM base transceiver station (BTS) frequency of 945 MHz, and effects on oxidative stress in rats were investigated. When EM fields at a power density of 3.67 W/m2 (specific absorption rate = 11.3 mW/kg), which is well below current exposure limits, were applied, MDA (malondialdehyde) level was found to increase and GSH (reduced glutathione) concentration was found to decrease significantly (p < 0.0001). Additionally, there was a less significant (p = 0.0190) increase in SOD (superoxide dismutase) activity under EM exposure.

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- Abdel-Rassoul G, El-Fateh OA, Salem MA, Michael A, Farahat F, El-Batanouny M, Salem E (March 2007). "Neurobehavioral effects among inhabitants around mobile phone base stations". Neurotoxicology. 28(2):434-40 - [View Abstract]


BACKGROUND: There is a general concern on the possible hazardous health effects of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiations (RFR) emitted from mobile phone base station antennas on the human nervous system.
AIM: To identify the possible neurobehavioral deficits among inhabitants living nearby mobile phone base stations.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted on (85) inhabitants living nearby the first mobile phone station antenna in Menoufiya governorate, Egypt, 37 are living in a building under the station antenna while 48 opposite the station. A control group (80) participants were matched with the exposed for age, sex, occupation and educational level. All participants completed a structured questionnaire containing: personal, educational and medical histories; general and neurological examinations; neurobehavioral test battery (NBTB) [involving tests for visuomotor speed, problem solving, attention and memory]; in addition to Eysenck personality questionnaire (EPQ).
RESULTS: The prevalence of neuropsychiatric complaints as headache (23.5%), memory changes (28.2%), dizziness (18.8%), tremors (9.4%), depressive symptoms (21.7%), and sleep disturbance (23.5%) were significantly higher among exposed inhabitants than controls: (10%), (5%), (5%), (0%), (8.8%) and (10%), respectively (P<0.05). The NBTB indicated that the exposed inhabitants exhibited a significantly lower performance than controls in one of the tests of attention and short-term auditory memory [Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT)]. Also, the inhabitants opposite the station exhibited a lower performance in the problem solving test (block design) than those under the station. All inhabitants exhibited a better performance in the two tests of visuomotor speed (Digit symbol and Trailmaking B) and one test of attention (Trailmaking A) than controls. The last available measures of RFR emitted from the first mobile phone base station antennas in Menoufiya governorate were less than the allowable standard level.
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Inhabitants living nearby mobile phone base stations are at risk for developing neuropsychiatric problems and some changes in the performance of neurobehavioral functions either by facilitation or inhibition. So, revision of standard guidelines for public exposure to RER from mobile phone base station antennas and using of NBTB for regular assessment and early detection of biological effects among inhabitants around the stations are recommended.
PMID: 16962663 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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[3] - Lennart Hardell, Kjell Hansson Mild, Michael Carlberg, and Fredrik Söderqvist (2006). "Tumour risk associated with use of cellular telephones or cordless desktop telephones". World J Surg Oncol. 2006; 4: 74 - [View Abstract]

The use of cellular and cordless telephones has increased dramatically during the last decade. There is concern of health problems such as malignant diseases due to microwave exposure during the use of these devices. The brain is the main target organ.
Since the second part of the 1990's we have performed six case-control studies on this topic encompassing use of both cellular and cordless phones as well as other exposures. Three of the studies concerned brain tumours, one salivary gland tumours, one non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and one testicular cancer. Exposure was assessed by self-administered questionnaires.
Regarding acoustic neuroma analogue cellular phones yielded odds ratio (OR) = 2.9, 95 % confidence interval (CI) = 2.0–4.3, digital cellular phones OR = 1.5, 95 % CI = 1.1–2.1 and cordless phones OR = 1.5, 95 % CI = 1.04–2.0. The corresponding results were for astrocytoma grade III-IV OR = 1.7, 95 % CI = 1.3–2.3; OR = 1.5, 95 % CI = 1.2–1.9 and OR = 1.5, 95 % CI = 1.1–1.9, respectively. The ORs increased with latency period with highest estimates using > 10 years time period from first use of these phone types. Lower ORs were calculated for astrocytoma grade I-II. No association was found with salivary gland tumours, NHL or testicular cancer although an association with NHL of T-cell type could not be ruled out.
We found for all studied phone types an increased risk for brain tumours, mainly acoustic neuroma and malignant brain tumours. OR increased with latency period, especially for astrocytoma grade III-IV. No consistent pattern of an increased risk was found for salivary gland tumours, NHL, or testicular cancer.
During the most recent decades there has been a rapid development of the use of wireless telephone communication. The Nordic countries in Europe were among the first in the world to introduce this new technology.
The analogue (NMT; Nordic Mobile Telephone System) phones operating at 450 MegaHertz (MHz) were introduced in Sweden in 1981. In the beginning they were usually used in a car with fixed external antenna. Portable NMT 450 phones were introduced in 1984. Analogue phones using 900 MHz (NMT 900) were used in Sweden between 1986 and 2000. The digital system (GSM; Global System for Mobile Communication) started in 1991 and has during recent years dramatically increased to be the most common phone type. This system uses dual band, 900 and 1 800 MHz, for communication. From 2003 the third generation of mobile phones, 3G or UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) has started in Sweden operating at 1 900 MHz.
Desktop cordless phones also use wireless technology. First the analogue system in the 800–900 MHz RF was used when these phones were available in Sweden in 1988. Digital cordless telephones (DECT) that operate at 1900 MHz are used since 1991.
Use of mobile and desktop cellular telephones results in exposure to microwaves. Exposure is characterized through the specific absorption rate (SAR) expressed as watt/kg. The anatomical area with the highest exposure is the ipsilateral (same) side of the brain that is used during the call. If a hands-free device is used and the cellular telephone is placed at another part of the body that anatomical area receives the highest radio frequency (RF) exposure. The cellular telephone communicates with a base station usually located at some distance, the antenna of which typically is on the top of a building or on a mast. Several workplaces use only cellular or cordless phones instead of the landline phones and this leads to both active and passive exposure to microwaves during the working day for the employees. Very few workplaces offer hands free devices to the employees although the Nordic radiation protection authorities as well as the Swedish work environmental board recommend this.
The introduction of wireless communication has been technically driven without proper laboratory testing or epidemiological studies of potential health effects. Among the first to express concern of adverse health effects due to exposure to microwaves from cellular phones was the layman [1]. At that time the technology was rather new and the use of cell phones was not so widespread. The large expansion has occurred since late 1990's. Now 200 million persons are users in USA and in Sweden almost everyone has a cellular phone. Thus, even a health problem of little magnitude would give serious consequences in the society due to the large number of exposed persons.
Since the second part of the 1990's we have performed six case-control studies on this topic encompassing use of both cellular and cordless phones as well as other exposures. This is an overview of the findings in these studies. Three of our studies concerned brain tumours. The first one was rather small [2,3]. This was followed by two larger case-control studies on brain tumours [4-7]. Here we present results from the pooled analysis of these two studies [8,9]. Because of the anatomical localization of salivary glands, especially the parotid, in an area with high exposure to microwaves during calls, we performed also a case-control study on salivary gland tumours [10].
During the same time we studied risk factors for non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), mainly to elucidate pesticide exposure as discussed elsewhere [11]. In that study we also included similar questions on the use of cellular and cordless phones [12] as in our at the same time on-going studies on brain tumours. NHL might be of interest in this context due to potential effects on the immune system from microwaves [13,14], since immune modulation is a risk factor in lymphomagenesis [11]. Also certain cutaneous forms of NHL might be of concern due to skin absorption of microwaves during phone calls.
Finally we have also studied testicular cancer, the main topic being chemical exposures, e.g., polyvinyl chloride [15]. The results regarding use of cellular and cordless telephones have not been published so far. It might be argued that the testes are at some distance from the cellular or cordless phone during calls. However, there has been some concern in the population that keeping the phone in a pocket might be a risk factor for testicular cancer. A recent study found a moderate correlation between mobile phone use and semen quality [16].
In the following a short description of the studies is given, further details are displayed in the various publications. In principle the same epidemiological methods were used in all studies.
All studies were performed in Sweden covering various health service regions and at somewhat different time periods for recruitment of cases and controls, see Table 1. The studies on NHL, brain and salivary gland tumours included both sexes. The Cancer Registries in Sweden were used to ascertain the cases. The treating physicians were contacted to get permission to include the cases in the studies. Deceased cases were excluded from the studies, mainly patients with malignant brain tumours having a bad prognosis. The controls were population based drawn from the Swedish Population Registry covering the whole country. They were matched on sex, age and geographical area, i.e., the same geographical area as for the cases in the different investigations. Each study person was given a unique ID number that did not reveal whether the person was a case or a control.
Table 1
Table 1
Description of studies by Hardell et al on use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for tumour diseases.
Assessment of exposure
All investigations were approved by the responsible ethical committees and were performed according to the ethical standards laid down by the Helsinki Declaration. All included persons had the possibility to refuse participation. Exposures were assessed by mailed questionnaires and the answers were supplemented over the phone by a trained interviewer using a structured protocol. The interviews as well as coding of the answers for statistical analyses were made blinded as to case or control status. Details have been further explored in the various publications. It should be noted that use of cordless phones was not assessed in our first brain tumour study [2,3].
Statistical analysis
Odds ratios (OR) and 95 % confidence intervals (CI) (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) were calculated using conditional logistic regression analysis in the first study on cellular telephones and brain tumour risk [2,3]. In the following studies unconditional logistic regression analysis was performed (Stata/SE 8.2 for Windows; StataCorp, College Station, TX). The unexposed category consisted of subjects that had not used cellular or cordless phones. The exposed cases and controls were divided according to phone type, analogue, digital and cordless. Note that the analyses were made for those who anytime (disregarding 1 year latency period) had used an analogue or digital cellular phone or a cordless phone. However, it is common that many users have been using all three systems, see further the discussion section. Exposure the year before diagnosis was thus disregarded in the assessment of exposure. Thereby the same year for diagnosis of the case was used for the corresponding control as cut-off for exposure. Thus exposure the year before the diagnosis of the case was also disregarded for the control. Adjustment was made for sex, age, socio-economic index (SEI)-code and year for diagnosis in the analysis of the two next brain tumour case-control studies [8,9]. Adjustment for year of diagnosis was made in order to avoid bias in exposure since all controls both to malignant and benign brain tumour cases were used in the analyses. We used age as a continuous variable in the analysis.
In the study on NHL adjustment was made for age, sex and year of diagnosis (cases) or enrolment (controls). The results in the testicular cancer study were adjusted for age and cryptorchidism.
Latency or tumour induction period was in this presentation analysed using three time periods, > 1 year, > 5 years and > 10 years since first use of a cellular or cordless telephone until diagnosis. In the dose-response calculations median number of cumulative lifetime use in hours among controls was used as cut-off. Regarding brain tumours calculation of trend was made dividing cumulative use among the controls in tertiles.
The response rates in the different studies were high, see Table 1. In the following results for the different diseases are discussed.
Brain tumours
In our first study no increased risk was found overall, see Table 2[2]. However, ipsilateral exposure adjusted for other risk factors, laboratory work and medical diagnostic X-ray investigations of the head and neck region, yielded OR 2.6, 95 % CI 1.02–6.7 for brain tumours (benign and malignant together) in the temporal, occipital or temporoparietal lobes, i.e. most exposed areas [3]. Only 16 cases had used an analogue cellular phone for > 10 years. Digital phones had been used by 4 cases with a latency period > 5 years and no case for > 10 years. Thus, this study was limited by low numbers of exposed cases and short latency periods and no firm conclusions could be drawn.
Table 2
Table 2
Use of cellular and cordless phones and odds ratio (OR) and 95 % confidence intervals (CI) for different tumour types.
The following two case-control studies on brain tumours were larger and encompassed answers from 1 254 (88 %) of cases with benign brain tumour, 905 (90 %) with malignant brain tumour and 2 162 (89 %) controls. Here results are given from the pooled analysis of these two case control studies [8,9]. Detail from the separate studies can be found elsewhere [4-7].
Regarding meningioma the risk increased with latency period. With latency > 10 years analogue phones yielded OR 1.6, 95 % CI 1.04–2.6, digital phones OR 1.8, 95 % CI 0.7–4.6 and cordless phones OR 1.8, 95 % CI 1.01–3.2. However, in the multivariate analysis adjusted for the different phone types lower ORs were found and no was statistically significant [8].
All phone types increased the risk for acoustic neuroma. Regarding analogue phones OR increased with latency period and was highest in the category with latency period > 15 years yielding OR = 3.5, 95 % CI = 1.4–10 [8]. Increased risk was also found for digital cellular telephones and cordless phones. However, in the multivariate analysis only analogue phones were significant risk factors with OR 2.2, 95 % CI 1.3–3.8 using > 10 year latency period [8].
In Table 3 results are displayed for use in hours divided in tertiles based on use among controls. For the whole group of benign tumours a significant trend was found for total use in any combination of the different phones. Regarding meningioma no significant trend was found whereas for acoustic neuroma and the group of other benign tumours total use yielded a significant trend.
Table 3
Table 3
Odds ratio (OR) and 95 % confidence interval (CI) for cumulative lifetime use in hours of analogue and digital cellular telephones, cordless telephones and any combination of the three phone types for benign brain tumours [8].
For astrocytoma grade I-II there was no clear trend of increasing OR with increasing latency period, see Table 2. Cordless phones yielded OR 1.9 of borderline significance with latency > 5 years but OR did not increase further with latency > 10 years and was not statistically significant in that group.
On the contrary, for astrocytoma grade III-IV OR increased with latency period and was highest using > 10 year latency for all phone types. In that latency group multivariate analysis yielded for analogue phones OR 2.0, 95 % CI 1.4–2.9, digital phones OR 2.4, 95 % CI 1.1–4.9 and cordless phones OR 1.3, 95 % CI 0.8–2.3 [9].
Trend test gave for all malignant tumours together and astrocytoma grade III-IV a significant result for cordless phones and total use in any combination of the different phone types, see Table 4. No significant trend was obtained for astrocytoma grade I-II or other types of malignant tumours.
Table 4
Table 4
Odds ratio (OR) and 95 % confidence interval (CI) for cumulative lifetime use in hours of analogue and digital cellular telephones, cordless telephones and any combination of the three phone types for malignant brain tumours [9].
Many people in the study had been using all three types of phones: NMT, GSM and cordless. The most obvious combination of the use of different phones is to add the total time on each phone without setting different weight to each of them. However, the different phone types have different output power. The NMT phone is operating with a maximum power of 1 W and very seldom down regulates this; the GSM 900 phone is operating with a maximum of 0.25 W but can down regulate the power to a few mW depending on the distance to the base station, and a typical value would be 0.1 W; the cordless phones operate at 10 mW. One selection of weighting factors according to mean output power of the phones could then be NMT = 1, GSM = 0.1, and cordless = 0.01 [17,18]. These factors have been used in Table 5 where the time spent on each of the phone types has been multiplied with these factors before adding them into one score using data in our second brain tumour study [4,5]. The results differ depending on how the combination is done, but not so much. The main trend with an increased risk with increased hour of use is also seen in these calculations, obvious in the > 10 year latency group [18].
Table 5
Table 5
Odds ratio (OR) and 95 % confidence interval (CI) for brain tumours [4,5].
In Table 6 results are presented for ipsilateral exposure using > 1 year latency period. Highest ORs were found for acoustic neuroma and astrocytoma grade III-IV for both cellular and cordless desktop phones. Digital mobile phones yielded for meningioma and astrocytoma grade I-II increased OR of borderline significance. Also cordless phones gave for astrocytoma grade I-II increased OR of borderline significance.
Table 6
Table 6
Odds ratio (OR) and 95 % confidence interval (CI) for ipsilateral use of mobile (analogue, digital) or cordless phones.
Salivary gland tumours
No association between use of cellular or cordless phones and salivary gland tumours was found [10]. The results were limited due to few cases with long-term use of the phone types. Only 6 cases had used an analogue phone > 10 years and no one had used a digital or cordless phone using that latency period. Thus, further studies would be necessary to make definitive conclusions regarding an association. No significantly increased OR was found for ipsilateral exposure, Table 6.
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL)
No association was found with B-cell NHL [12]. Regarding T-cell NHL OR increased with latency period for digital and cordless phones. Latency period > 5 years for use of analogue cellular phones yielded OR = 1.5, 95 % CI = 0.6–3.7, digital OR = 1.9, 95 % CI = 0.8–4.8, and cordless phones OR = 2.5, CI = 1.1–5.6. The corresponding results for extranodal T-cell lymphoma were for analogue phones OR = 3.4, 95 % CI = 0.8–15.0, digital OR = 6.1, 95 % CI = 1.3–29.7 and cordless phones OR = 5.5, 95 % CI = 1.3–23.9.
Testicular cancer
Results from this study have so far only been published for exposure to polyvinyl chloride, which was the main issue of the study [15]. Questions on use of cellular and cordless phones were also included in the questionnaire in the similar way as in the other studies above. However, this time we also included questions on where the cellular phone usually was kept between calls. We asked if the phone was on stand-by during that time. The results were based on answers from 542 (92 %) cases with seminoma, 346 (89 %) with non-seminoma and 870 (89 %) controls. Regarding seminoma use of analogue cellular phones gave OR = 1.2, 95 % CI = 0.9–1.6, digital phones OR = 1.3, CI = 0.9–1.8, and cordless phones OR = 1.1, CI = 0.8–1.5. The corresponding results for non-seminoma were OR = 0.7, CI = 0.5–1.1, OR = 0.9, CI = 0.6–1.4, and OR = 1.0, CI = 0.7–1.4, respectively. A somewhat increased OR was found for seminoma and use of analogue phones in the group with > 5 year latency period yielding OR = 1.5, 95 % CI = 0.98–2.2 and for digital phones with OR = 4.1, 95 % CI = 0.97–17, and cordless phones OR = 1.2, 95 % CI = 0.7–1.9. Regarding non-seminoma digital phones yielded in the same category OR = 2.3, 95 % CI = 0.5–12 whereas OR for analogue cellular phones and cordless phones was close to unity. No association was found with place of keeping the mobile phone during stand-by, such as trousers pocket. Cryptorchidism was a risk factor for both seminoma and non-seminoma, but no interaction with cellular or cordless phones was found.
The same study methods were used in all these case-control studies performed by our research group. The results varied for different tumour types and would thus not be expected to be caused by observational or recall bias since such bias should have existed for all tumour types. Moreover the results seem to be of biological relevance regarding tumour type, tumour localisation, latency period and dose-response effect.
Cases were ascertained from the Swedish Cancer Registry that has a good coverage of all new cases. Controls were enrolled from the Swedish Population Registry that covers the whole population. All subjects in Sweden have a unique id-number. Thus, no selection bias was introduced in the enrolment of cases and controls in the various studies. The population registry also makes it possible to find the address of all included subjects so no case or control was excluded due to lack of address for mailing of the questionnaire. It should however be noted that only living cases were included in the studies. Of brain tumours glioblastoma multiforme has a bad prognosis. This may have shifted the distribution of histopathological types of cases to slightly better prognosis. The influence on the results, if any, is currently unknown.
Regarding brain tumours assessment of exposure was made about two months after histopathological diagnosis. One advantage was that the cases were informed about their diagnoses and that the cases could answer to the questionnaires and phone interviews at home in a more relaxed setting than in a hospital. When supplementing the data in the questionnaires over the phone it was not revealed if it was a case or a control. The coding of the data for statistical analysis was made without knowing the identity of the subject. Thus, observational bias was avoided in the studies.
In the brain tumour studies we found the highest OR for acoustic neuroma. This tumour might be a "signal" tumour type for increased brain tumour risk from microwave exposure, since it is located in an anatomical area with high exposure during calls with cellular or cordless phones. In fact, an increasing incidence of acoustic neuroma has been noted in Sweden [19]. For both analogue cellular telephones and cordless desktop phones the risk was highest in the third tertile of use in hours. However, no such trend was seen for digital phones. For all phones combined we found a significant trend of OR with increasing time for use, p = 0.02.
Regarding meningioma no significant trend was found. Cordless phones produced highest OR in the third tertile of borderline significance. For use of any phone no significantly increased risk was found. OR was highest for other types of benign tumours in the first tertile for use of analogue or digital phones. For cordless phones the OR was similar in all three categories of use. Thus, the results for other types of benign brain tumours indicate that there is no association and that longer follow-up time is needed for evaluation of long-term effects.
For astrocytoma grade I-II highest OR was calculated in the third tertile of use in hours, see Table 4. ORs were statistically significantly increased for cordless phones and total use in any combination. The trend tests of these categories of exposure were not significant, however.
Regarding astrocytoma grade III-IV significantly increased risks were found in the highest exposure category, see Table 4. As presented elsewhere [9] both analogue and digital cellular telephones were statistically significant risk factors in the multivariate analysis. However, in the trend test of cumulative use the result was statistically significant only for cordless telephones and total use of all phone types together, see Table 4.
Adaptive power control (APC) gives a difference in power output from mobile phones between urban and rural areas due to regulations of the emissions by the distance to the base stations. The place of residence for the cases and controls in our second brain tumour study [4,5] was divided in groups based on population density using Statistics Sweden [20]. A clear effect was seen for digital phone users with highest risk in rural areas, OR = 3.2, 95 % CI = 1.2–8.4, compared with in urban areas OR = 0.9, 95 % CI = 0.6–1.4, using > 5 year latency period. The power output is highest in rural areas so the results indicate a dose-response effect. For analogue phones no such pattern was found that might be explained by the fact that APC has not previously been used for analogue phones.
The same study method as in the brain tumour studies was used for salivary gland tumours [10]. We did not find an association between use of cellular or cordless telephones and salivary gland tumours in this study. There was no effect with increasing tumour induction period or number of hours of use of the different phones. However, only 6 cases had used a phone for more than 10 years, and all of these subjects had used the analogue type. Thus, this study cannot exclude an increased risk among subjects with heavy use for a long time period. The power of the study was to detect an OR ≥ 1.4 (α = 0.05, β = 0.20). This case-control study was performed during the same time period as our brain tumour studies. These results strongly argue against observational and recall bias as the explanation for our results in the brain tumour studies. A recent study did not find an association between mobile phone use and parotid gland tumour regardless of duration of use in hours or years since first use [21].
The results in our case-control study on NHL are of potential interest [11]. We found no association with B-cell lymphoma whereas the findings for T-cell NHL may be of importance. Analysing the cutaneous and leukaemia types of T-cell NHL increased the risk further. T-cell NHL is uncommon and represented 5.8 % in our study. T-cell lymphomas are derived from mature or post-thymic circulating T-cells. Exposure to microwaves may occur in the circulating blood during a phone call. Our results were based on low numbers and must be interpreted with caution. There is no obvious biological mechanism that explains the results and further studies are therefore necessary.
The main result of the study on testicular cancer was no association with use of cellular or cordless telephones [Hardell et al, to be published]. For seminoma significantly increased OR was calculated in lowest exposure category with > 1 year latency period for all studied phone types. However, there was no dose-response effect and no significant trend for increasing OR with increasing latency period. As one would expect cryptorchidism was associated with increased risk for both seminoma and non-seminoma but did not interact with use of cellular or cordless phones. The localization of the mobile phone during stand-by time was also analyzed. However, no association was found with testicular cancer. Keeping the phone in a pocket close to the testis did not increase the risk and there was no association with laterality of the phone and cancer.
In studies of tumour risk and mobile phone use exposure assessment becomes an even greater problem than for the acute effects since for this type of disease it is the exposure 5–10 years or more ago that is of interest. Most users of mobile phones have not been using just one single telephone. It is even more likely that if they have been using a mobile phone for more than a few years, they will also have changed their phone a few times. Many users will also have used different phone systems such as analogue and digital, and probably many of them have also been using a cordless phone at home or at work. The problem we are facing is then how to integrate the various SAR distributions from the different devices and add up the different times on these phones to one exposure measure? At the moment it is not clear how to combine the use of different phones with different power output, different systems, different frequencies, and different anatomical SAR distribution, into one exposure and dose measure. The difficulties lay in the fact that we do not know the interacting mechanism(s) between the electromagnetic fields emitted from the phone and the biological organism.
We used a weighting method as described above to combine exposure measurement from different phone types; NMT = 1, GSM = 0,1 and cordless phones = 0.01. This method was applied for data in our second brain tumour study [4,5] and has been discussed elsewhere [17,18]. The results did not differ much from using no weighting factor. This could be due to the large weight put to the NMT phone due to their high output power. On theoretical ground, using the sum of the use in hours of the different phone types is obviously not an appropriate method when combining exposure to these radio frequency (RF) fields. Using a weighting factor might be appropriate until a proper dosimetry is available.
In future epidemiological studies on brain tumours an important consideration ought to be which time scale to use, and this must be based on hypotheses about induction and progression of the endpoint variables being studied. One needs to set up a clear hypothesis about how the absorption to RF from mobile phones could influence the endpoint variable in terms of anatomical localization of the absorption, the duration of the exposure and the induction and progression of the endpoint variable before choosing an appropriate dosimetric quantity.
One of the questions we need to address is for instance how time comes into the connection between exposure and dose, and here we need to distinguish between different aspects of time: very short times – order of minutes, daily averages, and total time in the actual occupation – number of years with exposure. Another question that is urgent to address is the potential for greater biological effects from RF fields in young age groups. We have found some indication for that with higher risk for brain tumours in persons with first use of cellular or cordless phones before the age of 20 years compared with older ages [8,9,22].
We have here presented results from our studies on this topic. The intention was not to cover the whole area, such presentations can be found in other publications [23-25]. In our series of studies on tumour risk associated with use of cellular or cordless telephones the consistent finding for all studied phone types was an increased risk for brain tumours, mainly acoustic neuroma and malignant brain tumours. Using a latency period of > 10 years ORs increased especially for astrocytoma grade III-IV. No consistent pattern of an increased risk was found for salivary gland tumours, NHL or testicular cancer.
Competing interests
The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors' contributions
LH was the principal investigator responsible for the design, conduct and interpretation of the studies.
KHM participated in all aspects of the studies, especially with his technical knowledge.
MC participated as a statistician in all parts of the studies.
FS participated in the compilation and interpretation of the data for this publication.
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