2011年1月19日 星期三

2000 studies and concluded a strong connection between electromagnetic fields and radio frequency (RF) signals to brain tumors, immune dysfunction, DNA damage, genetic aberrations, Leukemia, cancer, depression, suicide, ADD, Autism and Alzheimer’s.

There are few issues that stir me like the intractable electro-pollution situation. Schools, libraries, community centers, homes and offices are all adopting a technology that has been ushered into the marketplace without any safeguards, with little to no oversight and with heaps of hype and wonder. I myself am a sensitive, I sense subtle fields and am constantly made aware of the radiation bath that I am increasingly being submerged in, a bath that disjoints my neck over time and interrupts the flow of energy through my spinal column. I've developed exercises to repair the damage, though the onslaught intensifies daily, and the fight to maintain balance grows more challenging with the erection of each new cell phone tower and with each new WiFi installation.

The convenience of our technological toys, the magicians wand of our time, has such a devoted following that to even remark on the health impacts of gigahertz microwave radiation is to speak heresy in the temple's inner chamber. WiFi and all things wireless (the contorted reflection of our non-radioactive intuitive psychic link) is held as the symbol of our transcendence as mere mortals, no longer confined to the range of our voices or sight, we can commune across vast spaces with little effort. Yet the basis for this technology is radioactive, the route that was taken in creating these wireless systems has been traced from a map that intends to inflict the widest ranging swath of damage in the shortest amount of time all the while going unnoticed. The argument that WiFi and cell phone masts are actually trojan horses is never really taken seriously, the concept of a human technological convenience that doubles as an entrainment device and biological weapon is far too out there to even be considered for most. Yet here in the fringes of the Dream where insights merge with insights, the WiFi is like a beast devouring the landscape.

During my research on the issue I came across a comment posted to a legal site which was following the fight of one group against local WiFi installations. The link to the actual page is provided via the source, below is a comment from one Alex Richards, an 'electro-sensitive'.

Source : Overlawyered

I’m a technology exec in Silicon Valley and became hypersensitive to electromagnetic fields on February 29, 2006. Since then I have suffered head shocks, burning, rashes, sleep disturbances, memory loss, concentration issues, heart palpitations and more than 20 other symptoms from all forms of wireless technologies. A pain hits my head 5-15 seconds before a cell phone rings nearby. I can detect wireless networks by the sharp rodent-like biting across my scalp. I am affected by frequencies both from power-line fields (60 hertz) and radio frequencies (300 kilohertz to 300 Gigahertz). I can tell relative size of the wave by the pain sensation in my head. For instance, on a trip in the Rocky Mountains, where cellular and WiFi were absent, I experienced Park communications signals at UHF/ VHF like a thick 2 inch nail penetrating my skull. I experience cell phones signals as a drilling sensation. WiFi burns for awhile across a wide area of my head/ face like a rope burn and then starts biting like quick pricks from the tooth of a hamster. 2.45 Gigahertz is one of the worse (WiFi, microwave ovens and many cordless phones) frequencies for me. Later I discovered several scientists including Ross Adey have discovered ‘frequency windows’, where bioeffects attain at some frequencies but not others. I have removed all wireless technologies from my house (I had 11) and even had three of my neighbors move their wireless routers to divert their WiFi signal. I also had to sell my brand-new 2006 BMW 5 series because the GPS and BMW assist systems kept transmitting signals into my house, even with the car turned off. I had already disabled Bluetooth, but that was not enough. I got rid of my cell phone in late 2006.

I’ve personally met two dozen people with the same symptoms. Strange finding: almost everyone I’ve met with this affliction either went to top ten schools, or has an advanced degree. Sampling; five PhD’s, three attorneys, three media execs, five technology execs, two doctors, a pharmacist, several real estate execs, a handful of educators. Only two have ever had any previous psychological or emotional issues. In Sweden, between 230,000 and 290,000 (2.6% of the population) are registered with the government for this disability, which they call electric hypersensitivity (EHS). Britain recognized this disability in September 2006 and asserted that as about 3% of the population might be suffering from the affliction.

I understand that skeptics abound. I was an early adopter. I would never have believed that tiny radio waves that I could neither see, nor feel could affect my health. I bought my first cell phone in 1990 and began using WiFi (remember Ricochet?) in 2000. I’ve worked extensively with Cingular Wireless, Apple (iPhone), Microsoft (Xbox) and Google. I am anything but techno-phobic. Still you might use my experience and hundreds of thousands like me to curb your usage and consider the bet you are making that these signals are not harmful.

If you do the research, you’ll see that these waves are probably affecting us all. 632 studies link 51 bioeffects to low-level, radio-frequency signals (see http://www.marinproject.org/ for a complete listing). The 616 page BioInitiative Report released August 2007 by 14 international scientists, reviewed nearly 2000 studies and concluded a strong connection between electromagnetic fields and radio frequency (RF) signals to brain tumors, immune dysfunction, DNA damage, genetic aberrations, Leukemia, cancer, depression, suicide, ADD, Autism and Alzheimer’s. You also might check out http://www.wirelessStress.com to see how everyday nagging symptoms like headaches, anxiety, sleep issues and joint pain, which we typically attribute to the stresses of modern-day lifestyles, may in fact be triggered by our increasingly wireless world. Test it out: if you have been having sleep problems, or are feeling cloudy, or feeling over-stressed, especially in the past 5 years, unplug your wireless router and turn off your cell phone and move your alarm clock more than 5 feet from your body for a week and notice the difference. Why? Hint: the pineal gland is being disrupted by your WiFi, cell phone and cordless phone. The pineal gland is radio-sensitive and uses the Schumann Resonance (7 hertz wave at less than a picowatt) to trigger endocrine function at night. The pineal gland is responsible for the regulation of melatonin (free-radical scavenger), serotonin production (attitude) and the regulation of your biological clock.

Love to hear the results.

from http://www.harvestdream.org/index.php?/archives/58-WiFi-A-Weapon-in-Disguise.html

