2011年1月19日 星期三

reduce your exposure by knowing what and where the sources are in your environment, and then taking action to eliminate or minimize your exposure to them

Top performance of body and mind as well as optimal regeneration and relaxation require a healthy building that is largely free from undesirable environmental stressors.
The first and most important thing you can do for yourself, is to avoid exposure to EMFs. This is next to impossible in today's world, but you can greatly reduce your exposure by knowing what and where the sources are in your environment, and then taking action to eliminate or minimize your exposure to them.
First and foremost
GET RID OF YOUR WIRELESS PARAPHERNALIA. (All wireless technology emits RF)
Yes, you can live without it. In fact, you can't live with it and withdrawal from these conveniences/pleasures is necessary to avoid eventual withdrawal from society.
CORDLESS PHONES - Use corded phones... you'll get used to it again. A speaker phone will reduce your exposure even more.
(Bluetooth applications include all close range wireless communication devices such as wireless keyboards, mouse, printers, hands-free headsets, gaming consoles, bar code scanners.)
WIRELESS BABY MONITORS - use corded, plug in, sound activated type and keep it well away from your baby.
CELL PHONES AND BLACKBERRIES - Use a land line. Some people keep one in their glove compartment in case of emergencies. Not using a cell phone regularly not only protects you and those near you but it also reduces the number of signals transmitting from cell phone towers and improves the environment for everyone.
REPLACE FLOURESCENT LIGHTS AND BULBS with incandescent bulbs. Although the government is encouraging everyone to use fluorescent bulbs, they only have power savings in mind. They are toxic in more ways than one: they emit strong EMFs and contain mercury. Research is being conducted on a certain type of LED lighting which may be safer to use.
The following is excerpted from Environment Canada's website: "Because mercury is toxic and has significant impacts on human and environmental health, even small mercury spills should be considered hazardous and should be cleaned up with caution.
Liquid mercury, commonly found in household thermometers, thermostats and barometers, volatilizes easily to form a poisonous, colourless and odourless vapor when spilled. If inhaled, this vapor is rapidly absorbed through the lungs of an exposed individual.
Children are especially at risk of exposure because mercury vapors, which are heavier than air, often linger near the floor where children crawl and play."read the protocol for cleaning up a 'small' mercury spill.
Your body heals and regenerates while you sleep. If you are being bombarded with EMFs during this time, not only will you be causing more damage but your body will not get the chance to heal itself.
Cell Phone Radiation Dangers : http://www.emfnews.org/testimonials.html
Home Radiation Protection : http://www.emfnews.org/home_protectio...

